Start of the 2017 year right, by going to Anime Impulse!! [January 14th/15th 2017]

I know it’s hard to hear, but as the year is winding down, all of the anime conventions are almost at a close. You think that you won’t have any conventions for a while, but YOU’RE WRONG! Start off the 2017 year right, by going to Anime Impulse!!


“ANIME IMPULSE is the exciting new project fusing the world of Anime and Video Games. The event will highlight appearances from celebrities, special guests, eSports, panels, cosplay, VIP parties, vendors, artist alleys, delicious food, treats, and the cutest (kawaii) fashion from our runway stage!

The goal for this event is to provide casual fans and otakus to have a venue to gather and indulge in fandom. To meet like-minded people and motivate creativity within the community.”
Last year when we went to Anime Impulse, we had such a great time. There were plenty to see from panels and music artists, to lots and lots of booths covering anime artwork and merchandise. On the outside, there were plenty of cars to look at (with all the anime beauty that they are) and tons of food stalls to grab a bite at. At the same time, there was Asian American Expo and The Silk Show too, so it was too much to look at, and yes, buying a ticket grants you access to all 3 of these events! I definitely would recommend to check it out next year and start picking up your tickets! They’re super cheap too! 😀


TWO DAY PASS: $15 pre-sale price (ENDS on 01/08/2017);  $22 price at the door
ONE DAY PASS: $9 pre-sale price    (ENDS on 01/08/2017);  $11 price at the door


Stay up to date on Anime Impulse by following their social media down below:


Facebook: Anime Impulse

Instagram: @animeimpulse

Twitter: @animeimpulseusa


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