Zombie Makeout Club is a NorCal clothing brand that brings out a unique style to them, zombies and anime. They aren’t just another anime clothing brand, but they stand out with their own style of anime chicks and dudes killing zombies. What’s not to love?!
I was able to interview the owners of the brand to talk in depth about their brands and what they like about anime. Check it out!

Zombie Makeout Club. What are y’all all about? Why did you guys decide to name yourselves, Zombie Makeout Club? What inspired it?
Damn that’s a loaded question haha. I’ve always been drawn to horror art, so once I had enough of a following to feel like I could take more chances, I really pushed the horror. Once I did that,I felt the original name “Dangerrap” didn’t really fit. I was joking around calling it Zombie Makeout Club, cause it was schoolgirls and horror, and it kind of just stuck. 8
Since y’all named yourselves that, you must like some zombie anime. What are some of your favorites?
HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD. BAR. NONE. I’ve been really into I Am A Hero lately though…
If you guys had to describe your style of artwork, what would it be?
A twelve year old with moderate talent drawing horror.
Do you think a zombie apocalypse can exist in this world? If so, do you think you can survive it? What do you think would start it?
I don’t, but if it did, I think I’d be okay. I’m pretty good at hiding. If it came down to a war, I’m dead, but if I can just hide out while everyone kills each other like in Fortnite, I’m good. Ifanything did start it though, I think it’d be some sort of nuclear waste.
Where do you think is the best place to be during the apocalypse? What do you suggest people to do to survive?
Walmart. Walmart has everything you would need. I’d probably hold up in the employee room upstairs somewhere and set traps everywhere like Home Alone

Since we are all into this anime community, what are some of your favorite anime? (It doesn’t have to be zombie related) What got you currently hooked?
Honestly, I read a ton more manga than I watch anime. My favorite manga right now are Magical Girl Site and Shibuya Goldfish. I think the last anime I binged was Citrus.
I’m still so stuck on this whole zombie topic. What anime character would you want to team up with during the apocalypse?
Easy. Yoko from Gurren Lagann.
If you were able to collaborate with any brand, person, or company, who would you like to design with?
I mean in fantasy world, probably Nike, cause I’d love to design a shoe. Realistically though, Animebae. Everyone should check them out, they have a really dope original style.
Of all your pieces you’ve created, which ones are some of your favorites?
I couldn’t tell you. They’re like my tattoos, I don’t really have favorites, they all represent different times and experiences. It’s more like pages from a diary.
What future plans do you have for the brand?
Grow and evolve. Also, to stay in business haha.
I hope y’all enjoyed reading about their brand.
Make sure to check them out in their social media down below and stay up-to-date with all the goodies they got in store for the future.
Website: zombiemakeoutclub.com
Instagram: @zombiemakeoutclub
Facebook: facebook.com/zombiemakeoutclub
Tumblr: zombiemakeoutclub.tumblr.com