Stephanie Yanez: The American J-Pop Star!

Stephanie is a American J-Pop idol that has been performing at conventions, shows, and maid cafes. She would always pop up at most of the events that I go to, but I’ve always wondered how did she get to where she wanted to be in this J-Pop industry? What better way to find out how, is by interviewing her…and so, here is the interview:


​​1. Stephanie, you’re one of the few American J-Pop singers out there. How did you get into starting this career? Why Jpop?
Well, before even singing in Japanese I was writing my own music inspired by my life and hobbies like watching Anime! Once I won AX Idol in 2004, the Japanese companies that I was working with told me they liked me singing in Japanese. So since, the Japanese language stuck with me. Singing in Japanese brought me a lot of great opportunities so I wasn’t going to stop singing in Japanese. I also have a lot of songs in English. And some songs in Japanese and English!

2. What is your all time favorite anime and why?
That’s the hardest question ever! I have to pick two, which is Sailor Moon and Evangelion. Both made me who I am today! Evangelion helped me feel better about myself when I was going through a rough time in my life, and Sailor Moon has always inspired me to be the best I can be even with all my flaws! ​

3. If you were to choose an anime character to be stuck on an island with, who would it be?
Mikasa from Attack on Titan. She is so strong, and I need someone who can help us survive. And she will get us off of that island in a few hours. It would basically be a mini vacay! Lol!

4. What was your very first Japanese song that you covered? 
I think it’s Grateful Days from Dragon Ash. I would sing it all the time with my Japanese friends at the karaoke box. But the first song I really worked super hard on and studied like crazy was Ningyo home from Chobits which is the song I won with at AX Idol 2004.

5. What is your all time favorite Jpop song to sing? (It’s one of those songs that when you hear it, you just gotta start singing it, cause it’s just too good!)
Basically anything from Shiina Ringo! She is my all time favorite artist. I love her song Gips and sing it quite often. Although she is more rock than pop.

6. I’ve noticed that you were able to perform a duet with Hatsune Miku. That must of be fun? How was it?
Yes, it was amazing! Her and I were characters for an online gaming site called TinierMe. TinierMe created a full animated music video and Japanese producer/guitarist Polo Yazaki and I came up with the song and lyrics. It’s totally a tribute to Hatsune Miku and who she is.

7.  If you had to give yourself a nickname or an alias to go by for your singing career, what would it be?
Stephachu or Stephie but I’ve always been known as Stephanie Yanez. I just used my real name because I am proud of who I am.

​​8. What are some of your favorite moments or achievements in your singing career?
Working with Hatsune Miku, performing at Anime Expo for several years, performing out in Japan, performing all over the States, hosting the travel documentary Crazy Sexy Tokyo on Anime Selects, singing and modeling for Japanese label galaxxxy, sharing the same stage with Kotoko, and now having two physical CDs sold out in Japan and having released famous Anime cover songs all over the world digitally with Japanese label HAF RECORDS.

9. If you were given the opportunity to be any anime character, who would you be and why?
Sailor Moon because we are one and the same. I can’t believe how much we are a like. I at first thought someone was watching me and making the Anime series at the same time.

10. I’ve noticed that a lot of Japanese voice actors become singers or vice versa. Do you have any plans on doing that in the near future? 
I would love to! If the opportunity presents itself I would definitely do it! ​


Stephanie Yanez #3 〜HAF Presents〜
Date: March 8th, 2017
Worldwide Digital Release
Anime songs from Doraemon, One Piece, Studio Ghibli Tales from Earthsea, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Gurren Lagann!

All of her music albums can be bought and accessed in the following links:



To support Stephanie on her journey through her career, make sure to pledge to her Patreon account and become a Patron. Every dollar goes a long way!
Link: ​

It was definitely a pleasure being able to talk to Stephanie Yanez about her J-Pop Career. Make sure to follow her on all of her social media to be up-to-date with her news and all the cool events she goes to! If you ever get a chance to see her, make sure to say hi! 😀



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