Flying Colors Foundation: The Bridge of the Anime Community

Anime has been around for quite some time and within the last 5 years, it really made an impact to our community in the Unites States and for that matter, we want it to keep growing. Other than promoting anime to the masses, the next way for this anime community to grow is through supporting the anime industry. They’re the ones creating anime for us on the daily and in order for them to keep doing what they’re doing, what we can do is buy purchasing their DVDs or buying anime merchandise. They got to get paid right? HAHA.

If you’re unable to do that, there is another option. One way to keep it going is by communicating this information out to the anime industry. The thing is… it’s not easy to do so. We can’t just go straight to these companies and be like… “I love your anime, but it needs work on this or this” or say some thing like “This scene wasn’t in the manga! Why did you add it?!” If only it was that easy…but maybe it could be…

This is where Flying Colors Foundation comes into play….

Flying Colors Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that connects western fandom to the anime industry in Japan.

They work together with high profile YouTube influencers, such as Joey the Anime Man, Gigguk, and Akidearest to create and organize the largest surveys ever conducted in the anime industry.

Their goal is to use the information they collect to help the anime industry make better production, distribution, and collaboration decisions for future anime.

Since anime has grown so much throughout the years, might as well help nurture it and shape be something that we all enjoy. There are websites like MyAnimeList or Ani-Chart, or even Reddit, where we share our thoughts and opinions on anime, but these anime companies don’t really get the chance to review all of these or share it with their bosses. The Flying Colors Foundation is the bridge between the anime industry and the otaku.


The Flying Colors Foundation has released the next big independent survey called The Anime Census 2018. This survey asks you all sorts of questions related to anime and how you are involved with the community.

Take The Anime Census 2018 survey below to share with the Anime Industry your voice and opinions on anime:

Afterwords, make sure to copy and paste the following message and share with your friends and family about this survey.

“I just finished the 2018 Anime Census. What do you think about the anime industry? Take the survey here:”

Thank you guys for taking a read about the Flying Colors Foundation. They’re aiming to get over 200,000 otakus to participate on this, and with your help, we will be able to create a better future for anime.

To learn more information about this organization, make sure to check out their social media down below.


To contact them directly, make sure you email them at .

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