Anime Impulse 2017: The Beginning of the Anime CONS

Anime Impulse 2017, where could I begin with that great weekend!
This event was held at the Pomona Fairplex Grounds on January 14 and 15, making it the first anime convention of the year. ​There were plenty to see during the event, but before I begin, let me show you guys something that I created for the event. Here is a Bingo Card for the attendees that featured a bunch of different things to check out during the event, as well as their social media to find them on Instagram/Twitter.

You can check each of their information at the end of the blog post to get more in depth with them.

Here was how I broke down the bingo card:

  • O: Vendors / Clothing Brands
  • T: Cars / Itasha
  • A: Food Trucks / Vendors
  • K: Cosplayers
  • U: Panels / Special Events

Before I go more into detail of my experience of AI, let me explain a bit of the whole weekend. Anime Impulse wasn’t the only event running that weekend. At the Fairgrounds, they also had Asian American Expo and The Silk Show. The Asian American Expo featured plenty of different asian shops, foods, and cultural things. The Silk Show featured plenty of clothing brands, shoe stores, and an overall hiphop-ish vibe…aka a Hypebeast’s paradise.

Let’s quickly run through those, since we are here to talk about Anime Impulse. Here are some photos of the other 2 events:


For being such a small convention, it had such a huge outcome. There were plenty of attendees  and cosplayers attending this year compared to the last year. Right when you walk through the those welcoming banners saying, ANIME IMPULSE, you are already welcomed with these Itasha cars. Here are some photos of the cars right in the front.

Let us take the ITASHA ALLEY route and show you guys all of the dopest cars in CALI. 😀

After we rolled through all the cars, we wanted to check out the body of it all, the VENDORS AND ARTISTS. There were tons of vendors there, some more famous like J-List and ABC Toy 4 Me to the smaller ones that still happen to have the gems you need. You were able to find something that you liked, forsure. Here are some of our friends’ booths that were featured at the con:


Creator’s Guild x SAGA [OtakiiDoki]

You can learn more about Creator’s Guild by readying our blog post at the following link:

Lowkey Geeks 

**Sorry guys. All the photos of Lowkey Geeks ended up blurry… xD

You can learn more about Lowkey! Geeks by readying our blog post at the following link:

iiii Clothing

Brian is too cool to be in the photo xD

You can learn more about iiii Clothing by readying our blog post at the following link:


After checking out all of the booths, there were also performances and panels to hold you down in the event. With the host of the event, D-Piddy, he made it all sorts of hilarity.

On the outside, there was another stage were they hold most of the music artists, such as Stephanie Yanez and Alley Vega Project, to some performers, such as the CORPS DANCE CREW.

On top of all of this fun, we can’t forget all of the special guests that appeared here, such as Danny Choo and Ely.  Danny Choo gave his talk about Culture Japan and his Smart Dolls, while Ely gave her take on her cosplays and how she creates  all the magic behind her cosplays.

This Anime Impulse was definitely something that is worth checking out. I got to meet tons of artists, made new friends, and just had so much fun. For the 2nd year of the con, this is guaranteed to grow bigger and bigger the years that it goes by. I would highly suggest rolling through once because once you do, you will get hooked and come every year.

Thank you Anime Impulse for hosting this event and allowing us to attend. Thank you and can’t wait to see you next year! 😀

If you would like to check out more information on Anime Impulse, check them our on their website and social media down below.


​Instagram: @animeimpulse
Twitter: @animeimpulseusa


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