Peach Momoko is one of my favorite artists out there! Ever since I first saw her artwork out at Comikaze in Los Angeles, a few years ago, I fell in love with it! It wasn’t just the fact that you see this Japanese / anime art style in this massive world of comic book artists, but it was the pencil work, the soft water colors, or edgy work. It stood out on it’s own! I had to pick up an art piece from her that day.
A couple years later to a month ago, I found out that she did a collaboration shirt with HVYBLK that was sold at Anime Expo. I had to pick it up, and it made me wonder, why haven’t I written about her yet? I MUST! I got in contact with her and before you know it, this blog post was created!
Here was our interview with her.

What started you off in this art world? What inspired you getting into art?
I Simply loved to draw when I was little and currently love to as well.
I’m a huge fan of your artwork, from original artwork to your commissions of different anime and comic/video game characters. What are some of your favorite artwork you’ve done (both original and commission?
It is hard to say what my number one favorite is. I try to never post, sell or show artwork that I am not proud of or love.
What are some of your favorite go to shows or anime that you like to watch on your downtime? Do you have a favorite one overall?
I enjoy any anime with a very well done animation. Examples are any ghibli, gundam series.
I also love watching all sorts of horror movies.
And when I like to just listen while illustrating i like to watch anything where Matsuko DX is the host.
I noticed that you’ve had your work posted at many conventions and galleries. What was your best experience with this?
I have no best experience. I am still currently growing and emerging. Every good and bad experience I have at shows, are all very important steps in my life as a illustrator. And I cherish every moment I am able to hold a pen and pencil.
Do you have any plans on having an art gallery out here in LA? I would love to see them in person again!
If their is a chance and a reason to do a show, I always enjoy showing in LA.
Who are some of your favorite artists or illustrators? Do you have a favorite piece by them? Are these some of your biggest influences?
My favorite artists that I have been influenced when I was in high school was Atsushi Kaneko. Because of his works, I knew I wanted to be a illustrator.
If you can give advice to artists out there, what words would you give them?
Instagram: @peachmomoko60
Twitter: @peachmomoko60