Mini Series Spotlight x Teekyu


Shout out to Roots for creating Teekyu and to MAPPA Studios for transforming this randomly revved up ridiculousness into the furiously fun hodgepodge heap of an anime. Kudos to Crunchyroll for hosting!

Shine points:

  • Fast paced + short and sweet. No m*ssing around and just pure a*tics.
  • The intros! Super energetic cuts and music! Since micro series tend to be half intro, they better be good. I personally loved’em.
  • Anime and non-anime cameos.

Otakify point: Each episode title includes a non-anime movie title!

Genre: Sports anime, SOL, Comedy

I recommend this to those who are in a pinch for time and enjoy random eccentric situations.

I hope you find this enjoyable as well, cheers!





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